Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU | Apply Now
Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU. ITU offers an attractive remuneration package with competitive pay and benefits in accordance with the United Nations Common System which is established by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). The level of pay for staff in the Professional and higher categories are recruited internationally and set by reference to the highest paying national civil service. Staff members in categories that are locally recruited are compensated in accordance with the best prevailing conditions of service locally. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
As a staff member, you may be entitled to several benefits, depending on your duty station, type of assignment and other contextual factors. Upon acceptance of a job offer, an ITU staff member receives consolidated, up-to-date information about their benefits and entitlements under their contract. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
The Professional and higher categories receive a salary which is paid on the basis of a worldwide scale and benefits which take into account their dependents and the cost of living at the duty station. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
1. Base salary
The base salary, which is determined by the grade of the post specified in the job opening is the same throughout the United Nations common system. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
2. Post adjustment
The base salary is supplemented by a post adjustment which varies according to the cost of living in the duty station and the exchange rate of the United States dollar. The post adjustment is a percentage of the base salary to ensure that all staff members at the same salary level have a similar purchasing power in every duty station by compensating for the differences in cost of living while taking currency fluctuations into account. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
3. Other benefits
- As an ITU staff member you may also be entitled to other allowances and benefits including:
- Rental subsidy, if newly arrived at the duty station and your rent represents too high a proportion of the total remuneration.
- Dependency allowances if you have an eligible dependent spouse and/or child(ren).
- Under certain conditions an education grant if you have eligible children in school.
- Travel and shipping expenses when you are moving from one duty station to another.
- Assignment grant to assist you in meeting initial extraordinary costs when arriving at or relocating to a new duty station. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Note: A staff member whose home country is the country of his/her official duty station shall not be eligible for the following allowances and entitlements: Assignment grant, Education grant, Rental subsidy, Travel and removal, Home leave and Repatriation grant and travel. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Table of Contents
The General Service and National Professional Officer categories are recruited locally. The salary is calculated on the basis of the local salary scale. Salary scales are reviewed periodically on the basis of comprehensive surveys of the best prevailing conditions of employment in the locality. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Tax exemption
Salaries, grants and allowances paid by ITU are normally exempt of national income tax. Staff Members from countries which do not exempt ITU income from national income tax will receive reimbursement of national income tax paid. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Holidays and leave
Staff are eligible for 30 days of annual leave per year on a full-time basis (or the pro-rata equivalent).
Health Insurance
Participation in United Nations Staff Mutual Insurance Society (UNSMIS). The monthly premiums are co-shared by the staff member and the Organization. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Retirement Pension
If you have an appointment of six months or more or complete six months of service without an interruption you become a participant in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. A compulsory contribution will be deducted from your monthly salary. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Retirement Age
The statutory retirement age for staff entering or re-entering service after 1 January 1990 is 62 and 65 for those entering or re-entering service after 1 January 2014. Only applicants who are expected to complete a term of appointment will normally be considered. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
This information is provided to give a general overview of the ITU conditions of service. As such, it must not be relied upon to claim any right or entitlement. The conditions of employment are governed by the ITU Staff Regulations and Staff Rules. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Disability inclusion
If you are a candidate living with a disability and face technical challenges during the recruitment process you can contact us here. Providing information to this email box is optional and will be treated strictly confidentially. Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU
Work From Home Internships and Professional Career Opportunities at ITU