Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide : APPLY NOW

Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide. Welcome to our journey through a variety of impactful opportunities offered by UNICEF worldwide. This global organization stands on the frontline of protecting and uplifting children’s rights, making significant strides across continents.

From strategizing climate action plans in Cambodia, to enhancing social protection systems, engaging with the private sector in Palestine, and evaluating education programs in Georgia, the breadth of work is as diverse as it is crucial.

This blog post aims to shed light on the many ways you can contribute and make a difference, delving into the remarkable roles that form the backbone of UNICEF’s mission for children worldwide.

Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide
Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

International consultancy: Development of Cambodia’s Climate Change Strategic Plan ‪2024-2033‬
Location: Cambodia
Closing Date: 13 Aug 2023 11:55 PM SE Asia Standard Time
The United Nations Children’s Fund in Cambodia is looking for a consultant for an international consultancy: Development of Cambodia’s Climate Change Strategic Plan ‪2024-2033‬ with the following purpose. The purpose of this consultancy is to support Ministry of Environment in developing the new Cambodia’s Climate Change Strategic Plan ‪2024-2033‬ (CCCSP ‪2024-2033‬), which aims to address gaps identified in the approach towards the country’s

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Long-Term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality (LTS4CN) targets and give specific attention to emerging climate themes and to the most vulnerable, marginalized and at risk-population, especially children and women. If you are passionate about making a lasting difference for children in Cambodia, UNICEF would like to hear from you. Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

National consultancy: IT Specialist for Upgrading of Disability Identification System and its linkage with other Social Protection Programmes and Social Services for MoSVY and NSAF
Location: Cambodia
Closing Date: 13 Aug 2023 11:55 PM SE Asia Standard Time
The United Nations Children’s Fund in Cambodia is looking for a national expert to work as IT Specialist for Upgrading of Disability Identification System and its linkage with other Social Protection Programmes and Social Services for MoSVY and NSAF. The purpose of consultancy is to update the questionnaires of social and right-based disability identification based on the finding recommendations, identify areas for improvement, and make recommendations for enhancing the DMIS system.

The specialized IT support is to update the DMIS Mobile/App, Frontend, and the Management Information System (MIS) for the Ministry. If you are passionate about making a lasting difference for children in Cambodia, UNICEF would like to hear from you.

Call for Expressions of Interest: Videographer – Long-Term Agreement (LTA), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Location: Cambodia
Closing Date: 13 Aug 2023 11:55 PM SE Asia Standard Time
The United Nations Children’s Fund in Cambodia is looking to hire consultants under Long Term Agreement LTA) to support its communications needs and fulfill short-term, and possibly short-notice, freelance assignments on an ad-hoc basis. The assignments to be carried out by the videographer will include producing video content, filming field activities and on-camera interviews, covering events, campaigns, and animation film production etc.

The assignments will range from producing finished videos to producing b-roll and broadcast-quality video content for distribution to various media including television, use on UNICEF’s digital channels, use for nationwide campaigns, or use for educational or public awareness and advocacy purposes If you are passionate about making a lasting difference for children in Cambodia, UNICEF would like to hear from you.

Consultancy; Global Civil Society Organizations (CSO) – scoping and roadmap). Req. # 564512
Location: United States
Closing Date: 10 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
UNICEF seeks a Consultant to strengthen and diversify our CSO partnerships at the global level, the Programme Group Leadership Team (PGLT) and the Division of Global Communication and Advocacy (DGCA) are seeking a consultant to help map a range of suitable partners for research, thought leadership, advocacy and influence.

Long Term Agreement (LTA) for Engagement of Individual Consultants as Facilitators and Coaches – 3 years (Home based assignment)
Location: United States
Closing Date: 10 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
UNICEF is seeking individuals experienced in coaching, designing learning interventions, and facilitating workshops to provide support globally. The Talent Development Section will be responsible for Management & Leadership development, Core Learning and more.

Tasks include providing coaching services, designing learning interventions, and facilitating workshops and webinars. Respondents must provide support to senior staff, coaching services, and develop relevant learning interventions. They should also facilitate workshops and webinars, and submit bi-annual reports on lessons learned and recommendations. Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

Consultoría para el desarrollo de una sistematización de la evolución del paquete priorizado para la prevención y reducción de la desnutrición crónica. Quito, Ecuador . 3 meses
Location: Ecuador
Closing Date: 9 Aug 2023 11:55 PM SA Pacific Standard Time
Sistematizar la implementación del paquete priorizado para la prevención y reducción de la desnutrición crónica infantil y sus resultados, a partir de información cualitativa y cuantitativa (proveniente de registros administrativos), producida por el Banco Mundial, el Banco de Desarrollo CAF, OMS/OPS y UNICEF.

Consultoria Nacional para Apoiar a secção de Educação na área de Educação Pré-escolar -12 meses, Sao Tome e Principe
Location: Sao Tome And Principe
Closing Date: 7 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Greenwich Standard Time
A UNICEF São Tomé e Príncipe procura recrutar um Consultor Nacional para Apoiar a secção de Educação na área de Educação Pré-escolar com objectivo de avaliar, propor e gerir as questões ligadas ao Programa de Apoio a Educação Préescolar no quadro das Actividades do Escritório do Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF)

Assessment of the Global Connectivity Solutions Market for School Connectivity Consultant, Geneva, Switzerland, Giga, 6 months (Remote)
Location: Switzerland
Closing Date: 10 Aug 2023 11:55 PM W. Europe Daylight Time
We are seeking an experienced, talented Connectivity Solutions Market Expert to support Giga and the Market, Supply and Financing Centre (MSFC) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current global connectivity solutions market, with a special focus in the African market and areas within the continent that are not currently covered by existing commercial services.

The analysis should identify key trends in connectivity technologies, dominant players, supplier landscape, regulations and licensing frameworks, impact of emerging technologies in bridging the digital divide to provide affordable, sustainable, and high-quality connectivity for schools.

The expert will help identify and assess the technical, regulatory, and geographic challenges to school connectivity using information from Giga and the ITU, and in collaboration with the Giga team, the expert will refine the target service profile for school connectivity, integrating the use of satellite connectivity solutions, emerging connectivity technologies, and exploring other potential solutions that can help accelerate the efforts to connect all schools in the world by 2030. Ultimately, the expert will offer informed, unbiased solutions to address market failures in providing quality school connectivity, integrating predictions on potentially transformative emerging technologies. Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

Home-based: Consultancy for a comparative cross-country analysis of evaluation policies and system in five Central Asian countries (60 working days with travel as needed) – Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO)
Location: Switzerland
Closing Date: 10 Aug 2023 11:55 PM W. Europe Daylight Time
UNICEF ECARO is looking for a qualified Consultant to support the assessment which aims to fill this knowledge gap and explore the country-level status of national evaluation policies and systems (NEPS), focusing on institutional arrangements for evaluation, partnerships, and actions for strengthening the evaluation ecosystem in all five Central Asian countries.

District Vaccine Store (DVS) Construction Consultant, Maseru, Lesotho (6 months)
Location: Lesotho
Closing Date: 10 Aug 2023 11:55 PM South Africa Standard Time
UNICEF Lesotho Country office seeks the services of a consultant to plan/develop construction project, oversee, follow-up, site monitoring and reporting of the rehabilitation and construction works on behalf of UNICEF, which will be implemented by UNICEF subcontracted companies. Additionally, he/she will supervise and provide guidance to the site engineers in the nine districts (except Maseru). Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

National consultant:Document the nutrition compact, its achievements, good practices, learnings, and opportunities to accelerate progress in reduction of all forms of malnutrition in Tanzania(90 Days)
Location: United Republic of Tanzania
Closing Date: 10 Aug 2023 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
The objective of this consultancy is to document the implementation of the Nutrition Compact to create awareness, share, inspire and sustain the good practices and achievements, obtained from the implementation of the Nutrition Compact since its commencement in 2017 and present recommendations and opportunities to improve its implementation

Individual Consultant (National) – Development of the Partnership and Private Sector Engagement in the State of Palestine
Location: State of Palestine (SoP)
Closing Date: 10 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Egypt Daylight Time
The UNICEF Office in the State of Palestine (SoP) is looking for a national consultant who will be working closely with the private sector partners to identify, design and strengthen existing alliances and strategic partnerships that leverage the strengths of the corporate sector on behalf of children in the SoP.

International/National Consultancy – SBC Data Consultant for outbreak response, Kenya Country Office
Location: Kenya
Closing Date: 5 Aug 2023 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) plays a crucial role in preventing, responding, and containing disease outbreaks by risk communication, community engagement, vaccine demand creation and other social and behaviour interventions. UNICEF Kenya seeks the service of one or more SBC professionals to provide timely support to Ministry of Health and country health in disease outbreaks.

Consultancy Title: Remote- Consultancy for the preparation of a discussion paper on “The state of children and adolescents in MENA: challenges, opportunities and foresight” – MENARO, Amman 20Aug,‪23 – 30‬Nov,2023.
Location: Jordan
Closing Date: 2 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Jordan Standard Time
The objective of this consultancy is to prepare an authoritative paper (25-30 pages, without annexes) which – with reference to the key areas of child well-being and child rights along which the UNICEF Strategic Plan is articulated – summarizes the key trends on the situation of children in the different socio-economic and security contexts of the MENA region, highlighting key sub-national disparities and vulnerabilities, identifying the major persisting challenges and the emerging opportunities to advance in the realization of children’s rights. Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

Consultancy Title: Remote- Child Poverty Analysis Consultant – MENARO, Amman 20Aug,‪23 – 30‬Apr,2023.
Location: Jordan
Closing Date: 2 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Jordan Standard Time
Under the overall supervision of the UNICEF Regional Advisor on Monitoring Child Rights (in cooperation with the Regional Advisor on Social Policy and the regional Monitoring and Research specialist), the Consultant has the responsibility of: – Preparing a methodology note on gender and multidimensional poverty, articulating the limitations of disaggregation of the existing framework, the considerations when adjusting the framework to include additional gender indicators and proposing a recommended approach for MENA. – Performing Child

Multidimensional Poverty gender and disability analysis for the surveys included in the Arab poverty report (7 countries for gender, 4 countries for disability) – Performing Child Multidimensional Poverty analysis based on MODA approach adopted for the 2023 Arab Poverty Studies for 3 countries with datasets released in 2023 and not yet analyzed by UNICEF (Tunisia, Yemen, and another country – tbc)

National Consultant – Data Analyst , Kyiv, Ukraine
Location: Ukraine
Closing Date: 11 Aug 2023 11:55 PM FLE Daylight Time
UNICEF is looking for a consultant (Data Analyst) in the digital department to support the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine in the development of electronic systems/subsystems/modules and electronic services to simplify the process of obtaining social services.

National consultancy- Leave No Child Out (LNCO) – Building Inclusive, Equitable and Quality Education in Georgia Programme Evaluation.
Location: Georgia
Closing Date: 3 Aug 2023 06:00 PM Georgian Standard Time
National consultancy- Leave No Child Out (LNCO) – Building Inclusive, Equitable and Quality Education in Georgia Programme Evaluation.

Consultant: Education Research and Evaluation, Office-based , Beijing, China, 12 months
Location: China
Closing Date: 9 Aug 2023 11:55 PM China Standard Time
The adolescent Education team is looking a consultant with strong research and evaluation expertise to provide technical support to planned education research and evaluation activities.

Consultancy: Nutrition of School-age Children and Adolescents Consultancy – Req. # 563310
Location: United States
Closing Date: 28 Jul 2023 11:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
The consultant will support the Senior Adviser and Nutrition Specialist to accelerate efforts to improve diets, services, and practices among school-age children and adolescents (SACA), as well conduct an assessment on Large Scale Food Fortification (LSFF)momentum across four Regions.

Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide
Exciting 20 Consultancy Opportunities at UNICEF
Exploring Career Opportunities at UNICEF Worldwide

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