Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF – (34 Positions) | Apply Now Dont Miss Out

Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF. Explore an array of dynamic and impactful career opportunities with UNICEF, the leading international organization advocating for children’s rights. These recent postings offer you a chance to join a global team working across a multitude of sectors – from Health and Nutrition, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, to Education and Child Protection.

Opportunities are available in various locations worldwide, providing an exceptional platform to contribute to meaningful change, enhance your professional skills, and work in diverse cultural environments. If you’re passionate about making a positive, lasting difference for children, consider these positions and let your journey with UNICEF begin.

Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

Consultancy: Junior consultant Support to Three Basins Summit, WCARO, Dakar, Senegal, 4 months (Remote + missions to Congo)
Location: Senegal
Closing Date: 1 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Greenwich Standard Time
The West and Central Africa Regional Office is looking for a Consultant to support the coordination, preparation, management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the participation of UNICEF to the Summit of the three Basins and the implementation of UNICEF commitments.
S/he will also support the development of products related to the event, such as a video on UNICEF work in the 3 regions related to youth and climate, a policy paper with data/facts and call to action and other products.

Consultancy to Scale up Large Scale Food Fortification programming in ESARO Countries, East and Southern Africa Regional Office, 12 months
Location: Kenya
Closing Date: 8 Aug 2023 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
This consultancy aims to provide technical support on large scale food fortification strategy development, programme design, legislation formulation, and capacity building on monitoring and enforcement. The support will be provided to 9 countries namely Comoros, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya and Zimbabwe.

National Consultancy: National COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Consultant , Juba South Sudan
Location: South Sudan
Closing Date: 8 Aug 2023 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
Support the design, implementation and monitoring of targeted SBC approaches to ensure equitable vaccination coverage among the priority groups.

The consultant will also provide technical assistance to MoH in its efforts of integrating COVID-19 vaccination into the Routine Immunization and supporting SBC interventions in counties with Zero-dose and under-immunized children across the country.

Regional consultants on Cold Chain and Supply Logistics
Location: Ukraine
Closing Date: 31 Jul 2023 11:55 PM FLE Daylight Time
UNICEF Ukraine Country Office is supporting the MoH in strengthening immunization supply chain with expanding the Cold Chain Infrastructure with PQS qualified cold chain equipment (CCE), ensuring better vaccine management. To ensure vaccines safety during storage, transportation and distribution, UNICEF is updating and expanding the cold chain infrastructure by increasing the storage capacity at national, regional and subregional levels, while also replacing the currently used domestic refrigerators for the storage of the vaccines with WHO prequalified equipment in 4,000 health care facilities.

UNICEF CO is implementing the following components: • Procurement and delivery of CCE (WICRs/WIFRs, refrigerators, freezers, spare sets, 30-day temperature loggers, remote temperature monitoring system); • In-country logistics; • CCE installation and training; • Inventory of the current situation on CCE with site readiness evaluation and implementation IGA platform as well as UNICEF Dashboard updating to ensure proper cold chain management; • Capacity building activities including training on proper use of CCE (uploading of vaccine, unloading, transportation and temperature monitoring); • Providing technical support to the programme managers at oblast, rayon, and facility levels; • Development, support with implementing of SOPs on proper vaccine storage and management using novel CCE; With the expanded support from the donors, there activity continues with procurement of more cold chain equipment, installation and capacity building of the staff concerned with vaccine and cold chain handling.

The successful implementation of the additional scope of work requires the presence of the consultants for the identification and preparation of the site for cold chain installation, capacity building of the vaccine and cold chain handlers as well as updating the cold chain inventory and trouble shooting in case of any cold chain related issue till March of 2024.

National Consultant – Social Policy Researcher
Location: Ukraine
Closing Date: 5 Aug 2023 11:55 PM FLE Daylight Time
The scope of the consultancy is as follows: • Support to the Social policy section with the development and preparation of advocacy materials for promotion of child-focused social policy and public financial management systems at state and local levels in Ukraine. • Studying best practices in the sphere of social policy and social protection of vulnerable groups of families with children and drafting proposals on possible ways of their implementation in Ukraine • Provide policy consulting and strategic advice in matters of interest for UNICEF Ukraine Sections, which may include providing expert advice on public finance at local level, social protection and child protection policies and strategies, including strategy of demographic development, to stimulate creating child and family friendly policies and initiatives • Ongoing analysis of draft legislation that regulates social policy issues and peculiarities of management and financing of social sectors expenditures with a focus on children needs. • Provide inputs into documents and research work, including related to National Recovery Plan and Perekhid initiative and follow up action plans and activities. • Develop recommendations, position papers and reports on macro-environment for use in the development of UNICEF policy agenda • Support with strengthening capacity of state and local authorities in the system of Ministry of social policy, Ministry of finance and other partners, in provision of appropriate programmes in social protection during the crisis and recovery period in Ukraine, including providing inputs to the training materials. • Support UNICEF staff with advocacy the implementation of the proposed recommendations in the activities of the Ministry of Social Policy and Ministry of Finance of Ukraine It is expected that consultant provide materials in English and if required, support with their translation into Ukrainian.

National Consultant – Social Impact and Public Policy Analyst
Location: Ukraine
Closing Date: 5 Aug 2023 11:55 PM FLE Daylight Time
The scope of the consultancy is as follows: • Creation of data bases and data sets with key indicators that could be relevant for decision making in a field of public finance and social policy at state and local levels • Ongoing analysis and monitoring of latest developments in sphere of social policy and their direct and indirect impact on social protection of families with children and social sphere expenditures. • Provide inputs into documents and research work, including related to National Recovery Plan and Perekhid initiative and follow up action plans and activities. • Support with data collection, systematization and evidence generation to advocate for grater and better public investments in children, social protection of children and youth, and childhood development and inform sector reforms • Support with development of updates, analytical papers, policy documents, advocacy notes on PF4C, child and family focused social policy in Ukraine. • Support with development of materials for capacity building of state and local authorities and partners on relevant to social protection and PF4C topics • Promote evidence-based advocacy on budget allocations that are important for children in the current and upcoming fiscal years

Consultoria Nacional WASH em São Tomé e Príncipe (STP) – 12 meses
Location: Sao Tome And Principe
Closing Date: 3 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Greenwich Standard Time
A UNICEF São Tomé e Príncipe procura recrutar um Consultor Nacional Wash com objectivo de Preparar, Executar, Gerir e Implementar tarefas técnicas e administrativas do programa WASH, assim como a monitoria e avaliação do progresso dos projetos ligados a Wash e Mudancas climáticas, previstas no quadro do Plano de Trabalho entre o Governo e o Escritório do Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF)

National consultant to provide technical support on conducting “Shock Responsive Social Protection” conference
Location: Azerbaijan
Closing Date: 18 Aug 2023 06:00 PM Azerbaijan Standard Time
The primary responsibility of a national consultant is to provide comprehensive support in planning, coordinating, and executing all conference-related activities to ensure the event’s success and effectiveness

International Consultant to Provide Technical Support in developing multi-lingual inclusive program/guidance for preschool education with UNICEF in Uzbekistan
Location: Uzbekistan
Closing Date: 8 Aug 2023 11:55 PM West Asia Standard Time
The purpose of this assignment is to provide technical support to UNICEF with the implementation of the project focused on multi-lingual inclusive education opportunities for most vulnerable children in the communities with ethnical minorities (Afghans).

Individual International Consultant – Reports and Communication Consultant, Kathmandu Nepal (Non-Nepalese only)
Location: Nepal
Closing Date: 7 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Nepal Standard Time
UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for an expert to be hired as international report and communication consultant for the period of six month.

Consultant – Financing for ECD in East Asia and Pacific, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO), Bangkok, Thailand
Location: Thailand
Closing Date: 7 Aug 2023 11:55 PM SE Asia Standard Time
UNICEF East Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) is seeking a qualified consultant to support its Early Childhood Development (ECD) agenda and support Country Offices in the region with focus on Financing on ECD.

Consultant Individuel-Revue mi-parcours de la Politique Publique Intégrée de Protection de l’Enfance au Maroc ‪2015-2025‬ et élaboration du Programme National de sa Mise en Œuvre ‪2023-2025‬-Maroc, 6 mois
Location: Morocco
Closing Date: 7 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Greenwich Standard Time
Cette consultation a pour objectif de produire en concertation avec tous les acteurs concernés le PNMO ‪2023-2025‬ sur la base d’une revue à mi-parcours de la PPIPEM ‪2015-2025‬ et de son PNMO (‪2015-2020‬).

Consultoría Nacional para Desarrollador/a de APP para el Ajuste de la APP de Código Rojo , Asunción, Paraguay, 2 Meses de Duración
Location: Paraguay
Closing Date: 5 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Paraguay Standard Time
Reactivación, actualización y soporte técnico del software de Código Rojo como herramienta fundamental para el monitoreo, gestión y auditoría en tiempo real durante la atención de las emergencias obstétricas y neonatales; utilizando el modelo de seguridad del paciente, con apoyo de la telemedicina.

Consultancy for the development of a Value for Money analysis protocol and tool to calculate the ‘value’ of using Social Behaviour Change (SBC) in nutrition. Req.# 564304
Location: United States
Closing Date: 20 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
UNICEF seeks a Consultant for the development of a Value for Money analysis protocol and tool to calculate the ‘value’ of using Social Behaviour Change (SBC) in nutrition. The consultant will establish a methodology and use this to evaluate the VfM of SBC interventions for nutrition in two countries with different contexts.

Consultoría para el diseño del Sistema de Alerta Temprana en la Escuela y atención de casos – Unicef Panamá, oficina de país (4.5 meses)
Location: Panama
Closing Date: 8 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
UNICEF Panama esta buscando un Consultor para el diseño del Sistema de Alerta Temprana en la Escuela y atención de casos en 13 comunidades del modelo de servicios integrados a nivel local para la niñez y adolescencia en Panamá Oeste y Comarca Emberá-Wounaan con base a la ley 285 del 15 de febrero de 2022

Consultant (Senior Fundraising), Education Outcome Funds (EOF), London, UK (remote and hybrid options available), Hosted Fund, 12 months Req # 564322
Location: United Kingdom
Closing Date: 31 Jul 2023 11:55 PM GMT Daylight Time
As Consultant (Senior Fundraising), you will support EOF’s Chief Operating Officer to grow EOF’s partnerships and fundraising efforts, advising EOF’s leadership team about EOF’s pipeline of future programs and strengthening relationships at senior levels of government around the world. This senior consultant will report directly to EOF’s Chief Operating Officer.

Consultant (Fundraising), Education Outcome Funds (EOF), London, UK (remote and hybrid options available), Hosted Fund, 12 months, Req # 564326
Location: United Kingdom
Closing Date: 31 Jul 2023 11:55 PM GMT Daylight Time
As Consultant (Fundraising), you will support EOF’s Chief Operating Officer to grow EOF’s partnerships and fundraising efforts, advising EOF’s leadership team about growing EOF’s partnerships with existing supporters and lead our private sector fundraising efforts to secure funding that anchors our core team and activities. This consultant will report directly to EOF’s Chief of Operations.

Consultant international Individuel : Appui à la réalisation de l’enquête nutritionnelle nationale (méthodologie SMART) au Niger
Location: Niger
Closing Date: 7 Aug 2023 11:55 PM W. Central Africa Standard Time
L’objectif de la consultation est d’appuyer l’INS et la Direction de la Nutrition du MSP/P/AS, dans la réalisation d’une enquête nationale de nutrition selon la méthodologie SMART (Standardised Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions). Cet appui technique permettra le respect des normes et standards de qualité. L’objectif de cette enquête est d’évaluer l’état nutritionnel des enfants âgés de 0 à 59 mois et des femmes en âge de procréer (15-49 ans) au niveau national.

Consultancy: Organization of WCAR Gender Network Meeting, WCARO, Dakar, Senegal (Remote)
Location: Senegal
Closing Date: 31 Jul 2023 11:55 PM Greenwich Standard Time
The West and Central Africa Region is looking to hire a consultant to Support the Meeting Planning Committee and the Regional Gender Advisor with the design and organization of the WCAR Gender Network Meeting scheduled to take place 19-22 September 2023.

New Consultancy: Digital media and graphic designer, Communication Centre UNICEF Supply Division Copenhagen, 100 days within 5 months – Office based.
Location: Denmark
Closing Date: 30 Jul 2023 11:55 PM Romance Daylight Time
The digital media and graphic designer will play a critical role in the communication of UNICEF supply and logistics operations and achievements round key global moments – including World Humanitarian Day and World Children’s Day – helping increase quality output on UNICEF Supply Division’s external and internal digital channels and reaching target audiences, including partners, donors and the general public, with engaging content in advanced media formats such as motion graphics, stop motion and data visualizations.

Consultant on Early Childhood Development/Early Childhood Interventions
Location: Serbia
Closing Date: 30 Jul 2023 11:55 PM Central Europe Daylight Time
The ECD/ECI Consultant will be engaged to provide technical assistance to the implementation of the UNICEF Early Childhood Development Programme and Action Plan ‪2023-24‬ signed with the Ministry of Health, with the focus on the most vulnerable populations. The consultant will contribute to drafting and reviewing strategic and professional documents and communication assets, field work and coordination with numerous local partners across numerous municipalities, and will additionally support cross-sectorial linkages, primarily with education, to address social inclusion of the most vulnerable families.

National Consultant: Vaccine Management Specialist (4 positions), based in , Rukwa, Songwe, Katavi and Mbeya – Tanzania, For 5 months
Location: United Republic of Tanzania
Closing Date: 31 Jul 2023 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
UNICEF intends to recruit 4 vaccine management specialists as full-time individual contractors to be deployed to Rukwa, Songwe, Katavi and Mbeya to provide technical assistance during the campaign. The vaccine management specialists will play a critical role in ensuring efficient and effective management of the nOPV2 vaccines during the campaign in the respective regions. The specialist will be responsible for overseeing the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the vaccine distribution and administration, ensuring the availability, quality, accessibility, and accountability of all usable and unusable nOPV2 vaccine vials throughout the campaign.

Consultancy: HealthConnekt Consultant (Country Engagement, Equity Analysis, and Investment Cases) ICTD Digital Center of Excellence (remote, 14 months)
Location: Kenya
Closing Date: 31 Jul 2023 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
UNICEF seeks a HealthConnekt Consultant to support 10 countries to map national ecosystems, formalize engagements with government, and create country-specific equity analysis briefs and investment cases. The consultant will play a key role providing technical assistance to HealthConnekts’ initial efforts to expand Giga to health sector connectivity, accelerating and supporting the Africa CDC partnership, and testing, documenting and refining the global initiative through at least ten countries. For this assignment, the consultant will have a matrix reporting to UNICEF’s DH&IS Senior Health Specialist and UNICEF’s ICTD Digital Centre of Excellence ICT Manager. The consultant will provide technical assistance to the integration between HealthConnekt Global and Giga, as well as with HealthConnekt Africa and the Africa CDC. As such, the consultant will be expected to work closely with the Giga team in Barcelona, as well as co-working with them on shared outputs. Additionally, the consultant will be expected to collaborate with the Digital Health Focal Point within the Africa CDC, based out of Addis Ababa and will liaise with the UNICEF regional and country health/digital health specialists for the 10 countries that will be engaged. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

Long Term Agreement Consultancy: Editor/Writer
Location: Kenya
Closing Date: 21 Aug 2023 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
The purpose of the consultancy is to provide ESAR with long-term editing and writing support from qualified individual consultants. Establishing several such consultancies would contribute towards achievement of results for children by improving the quality of regional evidence available to support child rights advocacy.

International Consultant on Yemen Strategy on Out-of-school Children (Home-based), 4 Months, Sana’a, Yemen
Location: Yemen
Closing Date: 2 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Arab Standard Time
The Office is looking for an international consultant whose main job is to support the development of Out of School Children Strategy in Yemen. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

International Consultant to support development of SBC strategy on WASH and MH with UNICEF in Uzbekistan
Location: Uzbekistan
Closing Date: 7 Aug 2023 11:55 PM West Asia Standard Time
UNICEF is looking for an international expert to assist the MOH in the development of the SBC strategy on WASH including Menstrual Hygiene component based on the findings of WASH Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Norms (KAPN) conducted in 2023. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

Consultant for scaling up medical oxygen system programming work – UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia
Location: Nepal
Closing Date: 4 Aug 2023 11:55 PM Nepal Standard Time
UNICEF ROSA Health Section seeks a consultant to provide strategic guidance and technical support on the deployment and optimal use of oxygen ecosystems, focusing on oxygen system programming, to accelerate the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality and stillbirths and to advance the PHC agenda in the South Asia region. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

Consultance nationale : Evaluation formative de la contribution des VSLA et du marketing de l’assainissement dans l’amélioration de l’accès à des systèmes d’assainissement gérés en toute sécurité, Koudougou, Fada N’Gourma
Location: Burkina Faso
Closing Date: 28 Jul 2023 11:55 PM Greenwich Standard Time
Cette évaluation vise à apprécier et faire ressortir des évidences sur la contribution de l’ATPC combiné au marketing de l’assainissement et la mise en place des groupes AVEC comme des approches appropriées permettant d’aboutir à des services d’assainissement géré de façon sure dans le contexte du Burkina. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

National Individual consultancy for conducting the Needs Assessment, Moldova, 20 days
Location: Republic of Moldova
Closing Date: 30 Jul 2023 11:55 PM GTB Daylight Time
Individual consultancy for conducting the Needs Assessment of the existing ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and Assistive Technologies (AT) of the Republican Centre for Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance (RCPPA), Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance Services (PPAS) and Resource Centres in Educational Institutions (RCEI) and development of a concept note for strengthening the national AT system. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

National Individual consultancy for carrying out a national mapping of the general education institutions and establishing priority response criteria for the equipment, Moldova, 20 days
Location: Republic of Moldova
Closing Date: 30 Jul 2023 11:55 PM GTB Daylight Time
The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine underlined the importance of digital transformation globally and nationally. In response to these new challenges, digital innovation and transformation became one of the highest priorities for the Moldovan system of education. Many children, especially children with disabilities did not have access to ICT and Assistive Technologies (AT) and were unable to continue their education online due to lack of devices, connectivity issues, as well as limited teacher knowledge of, and experience with online learning and teaching methods and lack of digital skills. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

National Individual consultancy to conduct data analysis of the existing Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS), Moldova, 20 days
Location: Republic of Moldova
Closing Date: 30 Jul 2023 11:55 PM GTB Daylight Time
The Republic of Moldova embraces an education policy that is consistent with the European and international education policy, that responds to the current issues and needs of the education system and its beneficiaries. The documents underpinning the strategic development of the education system are proof of the high regard of the Government of the Republic of Moldova to shifting focuses on education in favour of quality and sustainability. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

National Individual consultancy for the development of the Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS) regulation, Moldova, 22 days
Location: Republic of Moldova
Closing Date: 30 Jul 2023 11:55 PM GTB Daylight Time
Individual consultancy for the development of the Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS) regulation and instruction manual/guide to ensure accurate data collection and efficient management. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

International Consultant for Development of National Early Childhood Multi-Sector Policy and Standards and Guidelines
Location: United States, United Kingdom, Ghana, Belize, Eastern Caribbean, Barbados
Closing Date: 28 Jul 2023 11:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
The main purpose of this consultancy is to facilitate the reconceptualization and update of the Early Childhood Development Policy, Standards and Guidelines to reflect a national multi-sector integrated approach; new and emerging priorities of health, emergencies, disaster risk management, climate change, safe school policies in ECD, disabilities(early detection and intervention for children with developmental delays and disabilities) and migration in the ECD sector where relevant, and to develop an integrated implementation plan in collaboration with the line Ministries of Human Services and Social Security, Health, and Education. The assignment is to review and update National Early Childhood Development Policy in keeping with international standards to include components related to the health sector and communities where there are no day-care facilities and emerging issues. Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF

International Consultant for development of ECD training manuals, checklists and monitoring forms
Location: United States, Norway, Yemen, Liberia, Central African Republic, Belize, Costa Rica, Eastern Caribbean, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Guyana
Closing Date: 28 Jul 2023 11:55 PM SA Western Standard Time
The assignment is to review, update and develop where none exists(4) manuals- i.e.- Training of Trainers manual, ECD Training manual, Implementation manual for sectors including health and the community and parenting manual (to include component for adolescent parents), Participants workbooks, ECD Implementation Reporting and ECD Monitoring Forms, and (4) Checklists for the establishment of Day care/Night care facilities, Home-based care, ECD spaces in health facilities, and community areas in keeping with international standards. These materials will include components related to the health sector and communities where there are no Day care facilities and the emerging issues such as Emergencies, Night care and Children living with Disabilities.
Current Global Job Openings at UNICEF
Current Global Job Openingsl at UNICEF
Current Global Job Openingsl at UNICEF
Current Global Job Openingsl at UNICEF

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