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50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ | Apply Now

50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ . The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) stands as a pillar of German expertise in international cooperation and sustainable development. With its projects spanning numerous countries and sectors, GIZ continually offers a wealth of career opportunities for individuals at all stages of their professional journey. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ

Navigating the Landscape of Opportunities:

50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ




  • Diverse Entry Points: For those commencing their careers, GIZ offers entry-level positions that act as a springboard into the world of international cooperation. These roles often provide hands-on experience in project support, basic research, data collection, and fieldwork coordination. They offer a nurturing environment where budding professionals can learn, grow, and lay the foundation for a fruitful career. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
  • Mid-Career Pathways: For professionals with some years of experience under their belt, GIZ offers roles that allow them to harness their skills, lead initiatives, and manage teams. Whether it’s overseeing specific projects, liaising with partners and stakeholders, or crafting strategies for sustainable interventions, mid-level positions at GIZ provide a perfect blend of challenge and impact. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
  • Leadership at the Helm: For seasoned professionals, GIZ’s senior-level roles offer opportunities to shape the organization’s direction, represent GIZ at high-level international forums, and drive significant change on the ground. These roles often come with the responsibility of overseeing large sectors, managing extensive teams, and navigating complex geopolitical landscapes. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
  • A Cross-Section of Sectors: GIZ’s initiatives cover a plethora of sectors – from environment, energy, and agriculture to governance, economic development, and education. As a result, the organization seeks professionals with varied expertise, ensuring that each project benefits from specialized knowledge. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
  • Global Footprint, Local Impact: With operations in numerous countries, GIZ’s roles span the globe. However, the emphasis is always on creating tangible, sustainable impacts in local communities. This global-local nexus ensures that professionals at GIZ experience the breadth of international cooperation while witnessing the depth of local impact. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
  • Continuous Learning and Development: Regardless of the career stage, GIZ emphasizes the professional growth of its workforce. Through tailored training programs, workshops, and exposure visits, the organization ensures that its team remains at the forefront of sustainable development practices. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ

In essence, the array of career opportunities at GIZ reflects the organization’s multifaceted approach to international cooperation. Whether one is just stepping into the professional realm or boasts decades of experience, GIZ offers a platform where passion meets purpose, and expertise translates into impact. 50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ

50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ

50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ




Job title Location Field Application Deadline
Office-Manager*in der Abteilung Westbalkan, Zentralasien und Osteuropa Eschborn Administration, Office-Management, Translation
Junior Project Manager (m/f/d) – Support to border management institution (MRCC) in Tunisia Eschborn Peace, Security and Emergency
Sachbearbeiter*in Verträge und Finanzen im Fonds Förderung Internationale Agrarforschung Bonn
Administration, Office-Management, Translation
Senior-Project manager (m/f/d) “Strengthening key actors in the fight against sexualised and gender-based violence” in eastern DR Congo Bukavu Governance
Berater*in für die Projektentwicklung für Erneuerbare Energien “Ostafrika” Bonn Country-, Portfolio- and Project Managers
Advisor (m/f/d) „Strengthening Public Financial and Economic Management (PFEM)“ in Malawi Lilongwe Governance
Personalsachbearbeiter*in in der Gruppe Krise, Recht und Sonderthemen Eschborn Human Relations
Praktikant*in Meeresschutz Bonn Trainees
Praktikant*in in den Globalvorhaben Unterstützung von SDG-Review und Implementierungsprozessen (SDG-RI) sowie Green Economy Transformation (GET) Bonn Trainees
Praktikant*in im Bereich: Anpassung an den Klimawandel / Verluste und Schäden Bonn Trainees
Praktikant*in im Vorhaben Plattform für Multi-Akteurs-Partnerschaften (MAP) zur Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 Bonn Trainees
Berater*in im Projekt zur Innovationsförderung in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Agrarfinanzierung Bonn Climate Change, Environment
Spezialist*in SAP Basisadministration Bonn
ICT and Digitalisation
Praktikant*in im Vorhaben Unterstützung Guter Regierungsführung in Jemen Eschborn Trainees
Expert in Counterterrorism and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism for South Asia and East Asia (m/f/d): Enhancing Security Cooperation in and with Asia Berlin Peace, Security and Emergency
Spezialist*in SAP-Sicherheitsmanagement Bonn
ICT and Digitalisation
Office-Manager*in in dem Programm Knowledge for Nutrition Bonn Administration, Office-Management, Translation
Sachbearbeiter*in mit anteiligen Aufgaben im Office Management “Umweltpolitik, Biodiversität, Wald“ Bonn Administration, Office-Management, Translation
Praktikant*in im Regionalbereich Europa, Mittelmeer, Zentralasien (EMZ) Eschborn Trainees
Advisor (m/f/d) on Financing Social Protection Bonn Social Sectors
Praktikant*in für Kommunikation und Projektmanagement im Programm Globale Energiewende & in der Gruppe “Wasser, Energie und Verkehr” Bonn Trainees
Praktikant*in für Meeresmüllvermeidung und Digitalisierung im Themenfeld Circular Economy Eschborn Trainees
Intern (m/f/d) in the field of trainings PtX/ green hydrogen Bonn Trainees
Advisor (m/f/d) Data Economy for Innovative Regulatory Approaches Bonn ICT and Digitalisation
Berater*in für das Sektorvorhaben Nachhaltige Mobilität Eschborn Infrastructure
Praktikant*in Kommunikation im Globalvorhaben Internationale Digitaldialoge Bonn
Intern (m/f/d) “Partnering for Readiness” on the topic of climate finance Bonn Trainees
Vertragsmanager*in für IT-Dienstleistungsbeschaffungen Eschborn Procurement and Contract Management
Advisor (f/m/d) Data Economy (Value Creation) Bonn ICT and Digitalisation
Praktikant*in im Bereich Daten und KI Governance Berlin Trainees
Junior-Policyberater*in für das betriebliche Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement der GIZ Bonn Climate Change, Environment
Leiter*in des Projekts „Förderung des Gesundheitssektors in Nord-Syrien“ Gaziantep
Peace, Security and Emergency
Project manager “Promotion of the Health Sector in Northern Syria” Gaziantep
Peace, Security and Emergency
Praktikant*in für Beratung & Kommunikation in der Stabsstelle Information Governance (InGo) Bonn Trainees
Berater*in Management hochrangiger Veranstaltungen Berlin
Juniorberater*in Liaison Office und Delegationsbetreuung Berlin
Spezialist*in im Einkauf in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit Eschborn Procurement and Contract Management
Berater*in für die Betreuung hochrangiger Delegationen Berlin
Juniorberater*in Veranstaltungsorganisation Berlin
Praktikant*in im Bereich Rekrutierung und Employer Branding Eschborn
Projektkoordinator*in für das „Global Skills Partnership zwischen Ghana/Senegal und Deutschland” im Bausektor (GSP-GSG) Eschborn
Rural Development
Projektleiter*in für das „Global Skills Partnership zwischen Ghana/Senegal und Deutschland” im Bausektor (GSP-GSG) Eschborn
Rural Development
Praktikant*in Sektorvorhaben Fragilität & Nexus Bonn Trainees
Finanzmanager*in für das „Global Skills Partnership zwischen Ghana/Senegal und Deutschland” im Bausektor (GSP-GSG) Eschborn
Financial Management and Controlling
Spezialist*in Travelmanagement – Einführung Concur Eschborn
Human Relations
Deputy Team Leader (m/w/d) Tiflis Law
Praktikant*in im Bereich Kommunikation und Wissensmanagement im Globalvorhaben „Umweltschutz weltweit“ Bonn Trainees
Praktikant*in im Sektorvorhaben Biodiversität – Umwelt – Meere Bonn Trainees
Team Leader (m/w/d) Tiflis Law
Praktikant*in im Projekt “Beratung zur Transformation im Verkehrssektor” Peking Trainees

50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ

50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ
50 Latest Entry Level to Senior Level Career Opportunities at GIZ




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